Soldering (again!)

Recently I noticed a problem with the sound on my ADAM where it would either fizzle out to silence after a short while or sometimes not work at all. Rebooting did not fix the problem and it was present both with and without the Super Game Module inserted.

It dawned on me that the problem could be with my shaky soldering job while performing the C88 audio fix. After opening up the memory console, my suspicion was confirmed. The solder had come loose and the wire was detached. The good news was that I now knew what the problem was. The bad news is that fixing it meant I’d have to break out the soldering iron again. 😬

I eventually built up the nerve and got to work. This time I decided I would wrap the wire end around the appropriate leg of C88 before applying the solder so it would be less likely to break free. Although my hands were shaky again I managed to do a decent job on the soldering this time. I also applied some hot glue to help hold the wire in place so I’ll hopefully never have to do this again. 🤞

After putting ADAM back together I’m happy to report that the beautiful beeps and boops are back!

Coleco ADAM memory console opened up for repair